Never stop exploring!

Today, I am excited to announce the launch of my new personal blog about exploring Asia! But let’s start at the beginning. As an already pretty seasoned blogger, this marks my 1152nd blog post since I started my journey in December 2004. Nineteen years later, I press the relaunch button.

My blogging journey began while trying out Geocities and editing pages on Frontpage. Yes, that was a different time. Definitely. You had to know how to code in HTML. Today, everything got much easier. But already then, I loved to share my adventures. That’s one reason why I started my own blog. I wanted to have a platform where I could share my experiences and connect with people from different parts of the world.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, while stuck in Hong Kong, I began publishing posts just for the city on the domain However, soon after the pandemic passed, I realised that I would love to create content for a broader audience. And hence, the idea for this new page was born.

The blog is also a space for worldwide content: Like my hike in Switzerland at the awesome Oeschinensee.

This page here will show more than just my hiking and travel adventures in Hong Kong. I will also explore Asia and post about my travel experiences in Europe. Over time, I will integrate into this page. While today marks the start of my new journey, it may take some time until everything on this page is perfect. I will have to work on a new design and – of course – new content. Thank you for your patience. 😃

As I wrap up my first blog post on this new page, I want to leave you with a powerful slogan that has guided me throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: Never Stop Exploring!

Despite all the challenges we have faced, it’s essential to keep exploring and discovering all the world has to offer. I hope that my new content will inspire you to embark on your own adventures and continue exploring. No matter what obstacles will come into your way!

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