Hong Kong’s Instagram Pier

Western District Public Cargo Working Area (西區公眾貨物裝卸區) – that’s the official name of Hong Kong’s Instagram Pier. But for now, the old container pier near Kennedy Town got its new nickname.

Originally a container terminal, the cargo dock has become a popular attraction and location for photographers. Instagram Pier is well known by the public because of its clear view of Victoria Harbour, a major tourist attraction of Hong Kong. From Instagram Pier, the view of the Hong Kong’s skyline, sunsets, old lamp posts, caution barriers, cargo pallets, etc. can be captured.

The public cargo working area gained its nickname due to the huge amount of Instagram posts taken in this working area, the pier has since been named as the “Instagram Pier”. It has also gained large amount of media coverage.


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And so you can find on Instagram a lot of posts every day. Tonight I went jogging at the pier, one more time. This can be quite challenging right now. Even at 6 pm, the temperature in Hong Kong is usually still over 30 degrees in summer. Today the heat index was 39°C (feels like temperature).

All the pictures I made during a short break today with my iPhone 11 Pro max.